Have you ever had anything sort of insignificant that you anticipated in such a way that it got built up to be a big deal when it really wasn't? That's where we are with this post. This is my 100th post and I've been thinking all week about what would be a worthwhile topic. Turns out, I just don't have anything that interesting to talk about. So instead of a monumental post, we're stuck with our average everyday grab bag of a post that we here at
Ok! What Next?? have come to hold so dear.
International Scarf Exchange, Go FigureOn Christmas Eve eve, I found a bulky brown package in my mailbox. It was my International Scarf Exchange knit by Kathy. (Who is blogless, as far as I know.)
God Rest Ye Merry Puppy Dogs
We spent Christmas Eve at my husband's aunts' house. They have big dogs and Sally played hard but she was finally persuaded to take a little rest by the fire while we opened presents.
She likes having her picture taken but had just woken up here because someone was clapping. Like me, she is not keen on clapping in the house.
A Beloved New Yarn Companion
I mentioned in my last post that my parents gave me a beautiful wooden swift for Christmas. I love it. It runs so smoothly and quietly and is everything I dreamed of when I asked for a swift.
(That's one of my nieces leaning across my picture to get to the ball winder. I'm doubtful that this one will ever be a knitter but we can hope.)
I Bought a Book
Tuesday night my twin sister and I went to dinner and then to Borders. I shopped for such a long time - my goodness, the options!! - and I came
t-h-i-s c-l-o-s-e to buying 3 books to just read. You know, fiction. That would have been nice but then I wandered over to the knitting section and ended up buying this book instead.
I've contemplated buying this book online several times but when I saw it in person and was able to flip through it, I couldn't resist. There is a baby sweater in here that I think will be perfect for my friend Melanie's baby that's due in May. Has any ever knit with hemp?
Also, I think maybe I've crossed the line into the zone of thinking too much about my knitting, because one of the reading books that I nearly bought, I ended up buying as a book on CD instead so I could "read" it and knit, too. There should be some sort of books on CD exchange program for knitters because books on CD, while lovely and a fine idea, could seriously cut into the yarn budget.
And I Knit Something From My New Book. Sort of.
By my own estimation, I am generally a good daughter but for the last couple of days, I have been a delinquent daughter. The Weekend Knitting book led me astray down a path called Not Knitting the Hedgehogs My Mother Has Requested. (In my defense, I didn't even buy the hedgehog yarn until Thursday...)
When flipping through the book at Borders the other night, I saw these tiny sweater egg cozies.
I remembered that Ann mentioned them in a recent post over at Mason-Dixon Knitting. Aren't they cute? I felt the need for some instant-gratification knitting and these little babies seemed to fit the bill. We don't eat many - well, any - soft boiled eggs at my house and, of course, no good pattern goes unaltered. I hate turtlenecks on actual human-sized sweaters and therefore saw no reason to knit little miniature turtlenecks. I thought these little sweaters would make nice Christmas tree ornaments so I cast on and then, all willy-nilly-like, doctored the collars on the fly. (Yes, I know, wild and crazy.)

The orange (actually "papaya") is Misti Alpaca Pima Cotton Silk and the red is a little 3/4 sleeve number in Cascade 220 in shade 8895 (my favorite). Here's a close up of the Papaya.
Not exactly earth shatteringly thrilling knitting but it satisified my need for a finished object or two and now I can plunge into my marathon hedgehog knitting. Wish me luck.
Congratulations are in order whether you have something witty to post or not. One hundred posts is a significant milestone. I've enjoyed reading your blog immensely and hope that I'll be writing a similar comment one hundred more posts from now!
Happy New Year~
You "hit" 100 before me!! Yay! Being older than you (not by much) I always thought I would hit 100 before you. But alas. You WIN!
And when I see those little sweaters I think...."my what big sleeves you have."
I know I am not the knitter you wish for me to be and sometimes I know I miss the whole knit thingy...but why would you want a sweater cozie for your egg? I guess the real question is why an egg cozie? A beer cozie, yes...I get it. But an EGG COZIE? I just don't get it. Explain please.
Congrats on 100! Good Job and keep up the fab posts! Looks like your holidays were excellent and the cozies came out cute!
Now get back to knitting those hedgehogs for your Mom, or I'm gonna poke you in the arm with a dpn! (ouch)
Congratulations on your 100th! Don't forget your local library. We are Golden Card members, which means we get 104 free video rentals for the year and all the audio books (tape and CD) we want.
Hey, I have a couple of great books on CD and am willing to exchange with you - to build up yarn money, of course. Congrats on your 100th - I'll have a chocolate for you. I never thought I wanted or needed a cozy for anything, until my new teapot couldn't keep it's warmth long enough for me to finish and now I'm thinking...hmmmm
Woo hoo for 100! That lovely manicure makes it seem like you're celebrating real fancy-like.
I *also* got the Weekend Knitting book after looking at it for a very long time. It was a Christmas gift, and you've inspired me to jump in! Those sweaters are ADORABLE.
If you get a membership, you get so many books/month without regard to the price.
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