I am a little ashamed to admit it but admit I shall: I am an emotional knitter. More accurately, I am an emotional unknitter. You know the type: happily toddling along on a nice little knitting project and then, one little bump in the road and all hell breaks loose. One minute I'm all warm and fuzzy about a project and the next: I'm mad at the knitting. Cursing it, trying to reason with it, shoving it unceremoniously into my bag - with little or no regard for whether or not the stitches even stay on the needles. I pull it out and stare at it some more. I fiddle with it, I look at it in several different lights, from several different angles. In disgust, I photograph it, I parade it around the internet as if to shame it into behaving.
And in the end, I drink wine and I put it out of its misery.

Thank you all for your advice. I did go over and try the cable fix at the Yarn Harlot's place but it just didn't come back together in the way it should. It was obvious it had been monkeyed with. So I took the opportunity to embrace a clean slate for the second side. I really did want to go along with your well wishes and just find the zen in it. But I couldn't. I kept looking and looking at it and all I could see was the mistake.
As a show of good faith between me and the Pima Cotton Silk, I immediately cast on again.See? No hard feelings.
When The Going Gets Tough, the Knitters Buy Yarn
Aside from the wine, what is the best cure for the battered heart of a knitter? New yarn, of course! And what could be better than yarn on sale for 50% off at the LYS where you have a gift certificate!?! This was not, however, just compulsion yarn buying. This is called having a contingency plan. If I can't make myself happy with the Cables in Relief scarf (though hopefully, I can, because I still love the softness and the originality of it.) Worst case scenario, though, if I have to kick the Cables in Relief to the side of the road, I bought these two skeins of Cherry Tree Hill Supersock, 100% luxury merino fingering weight in the Tropical Storm colorway. It is very pretty and very soft and perfect for the Cozy pattern from Knitty, which was my other top choice for this project. It was a debate between the two.
While I'm in the Neighborhood...
Since all of their yarn was on sale for 50% off, I decided to buy these, too.
Two skeins of Kraemer Yarns' Mauch Chunky, one skein in Kiwi and one in Plum. My SIL Lori said she liked these colors together and wanted something felted from them. So I got these and now I have to figure out what I am going to make for her. Each skein is only 120 yards so it isn't going to be a big something. I am thinking maybe I will modify this pattern. I like the pouch concept but she isn't really a fanny pack kind of girl. Or, more likely, I will just make something up when the time comes.
OMG Kristy! As sad as I have let you make me (*wink*) I did see this pattern at Knitty (yes, I did go there - but shhhh! don't tell....puhleese!)And I thought it was neat. I would love that. BUT I am pretty darn sure that two skeins (sigh - I am talking like I know what I am talking about) isn't going to be enough to fit around my fanny! It will have to be modified.
Actually, on second thought maybe I liked it because that chick with all those tattoos had it on. Yes! That's it! I am not in love with a felted fanny pack I found at Knitty....I am in love with her tats! Uh huh, yep, it's the tats.
*gasps* Pulled the whole thing out, did you? Jeez. Well, at a minimum, you got some new yarn.
Cozy's been on my list to make for my mom for a while. I just haven't found a yarn that I think works. I'll be curious to see how yours goes.
Good luck with this go-round! I'll be pulling for you!
Well, Kristy, I agree - sometimes the best thing to do is pull it all out and start fresh. I'm sorry it came to that, but I understand. I couldn't have lived with the mistake, either :0)
I would have done the same thing. In fact I have done the same thing to my Grandmother Purl squares at least ten times and the yarn is in time out as we speak.
What about a little "Cables in Relief" clutch for Lori? You can knit a little scarf type rectangle, fold it in half, sew up the sides and sew in a pair of bamboo handles to each end. Voila, cute and useful.
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