Isn't this a beautiful sunset?

So there you go. Belatedly beautiful scenery.
Off on a Tangent
Ya'll know what they say about the best laid plans...well, that's where I am today. No, I still haven't started the sheep or the Grandmother Purl square. Instead?I am knitting another Sophie bag. I had a single skein of Cascade 220 in my stash and it has met its destiny. I took the finished purple and green Sophie to the office on Monday to show Lori. One of the ladies we work with, who knit a square for Grandmother Purl, admired it so I decided that she needs one of her own. She is a dear and kind woman and I wanted to do something nice for her. Her husband is currently serving in Iraq and she is here, working with us and tending to their 3 children and keeping the home fires burning. If anyone is a worthwhile diversion from my knitting plans, it is her. Plus, wasn't I just saying what a quick knit this is??
You seem to always be knitting for someone else - there should be more kind hearted people like you. Your knits are truly special. x
PS: Beautiful scenic photography.
Beautiful belated sunset pictures and definitely a worthy cause for diversive knitting :) I'm sure Lori will love her Sophie bag (and it IS a really quick knit!)Kim looks lovely in her scarf and if you look reeeeeeeaaaalllly closely you can sorta tell she's smiling. Hope her surgery goes well.
Isn't it fun to see a want the other person didn't even know they had and fill it? I am knitting Socks for Soldiers (in size huge). Here's hoping her husband gets a pair.
It's okay to be distracted this way! It's going to be a treat for her.
That scarf looks nice in its natural environment!
LOVE the Sophie bags! Quick knit and very satisfying, especially since they are going to someone special!
Kniterella looks good in her scarf! Yippie!
Ha ha ha! You and your Sophie bags make me giggle. :0)
Awwww! You know life is good when you can do something fun and make someone else's day while you're at it. You continue to rock in every way.
I love how your scarf turned out. The package you sent looks great.
Very pretty pictures and what a great colour for your Sophie Bag.
I AM smiling in the picture - really, we need to get a better one once the ordeal is over - 2 more weeks until solid food! I love my scarf and we're supposed to get more snow next week...I will be the envy!
What a great scarf, I love the pattern and color! Where did you get the stitch pattern/pattern from?? I would love to make one for myself! =)
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