Apparently today was an exception. Do you know what you are seeing there? GREY SKIES! Gloomy, heavy, grey skies and wind and humidity and mild temperatures. It didn't even reach 90 degrees F (32.2 C) at my house today. In July. JULY! I am beside myself happy about this beautiful weather. It never rained here (that would be asking too much) but somehow that was ok with me. I was content with the clouds and mild temperatures. There was rain in the foothills, which is good news for the drought and for the fires... That's good enough for me. Hurray for clouds and gloominess.
Seems like the perfect weather for sharing good news...My visit to the ankle doctor yesterday was a success. He liked the socks and was surprised. Really, it was borderline sacrilege that a man who makes his living of feet and ankles has never owned a pair of handknit socks. Problem solved....I told him that I hoped they would fit (they were a surprise, so I had to do a little guessing on the size) and also that they would erase all memory of the unfortunate baby-handknits-for-the-non-existent-baby incident. I didn't muster up the nerve to have him pose with them for a blog picture. ha.
Prior to the handing over of the socks, he examined my ankle. (Imagine that!) Things are looking pretty good....good enough that I have been given permission to go without my brace the vast majority of the time. Hurray! It is healing a bit slower than would be ideal and I have to start physical therapy this week and see him again in a couple of months but all-in-all, not a bad visit. Not unlike knitting, progress is progress.
Thank you all so much for your encouragement and warm thoughts and kind words. It has been a long year and I'm so blessed to have had so much support.
Now, I really need to go watch Hell's Kitchen from last night. Ahh, the miracle of Tivo.
Today's Quote:
"The ankle was obviously a bit worrying at the time, but I've always felt confident that I would get back and be as strong as ever." -Jamie Redknapp
I can understand you taking the photo :)I am so glad you linked to the non-baby story. *chuckle* Sounds like something I'd do... If I ever finished anything that is!
Yay! I am so happy that you are healing and doing better.
Oh, we missed Hell's Kitchen this week...and don't have Tivo (yes, believe it). Hubs loves HK, but the yelling bugs me.
Congrats on the good doctor's visit, and on the good weather!
Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray! PT and no brace! Excellent work.
(I would have asked for a pic with the socks, but I'm pushy that way)
nice weather! Maybe we will have some "weather" when you come visit next May!
Hooray! I'm so pleased for you that things are looking up! (And that the Dr. liked his socks...) Very fitting quote today, too.
Hooray for Progress and going without the brace! YAY! I'm so glad he liked the socks and that your visit was positive - I hope the physical therapy works wonders for you!
wow-that's a Norwegian flag just under the American in that top photo!!!
Glad to hear your ankle is improving! And also, thanks for the rockin'girl blogger thing! I just have to figure out how to copy it over to my blog- i'm clueless on stuff like that- guess i'll have to ask the kids...
take care, and enjoy your cloudy days!
Hey, fantastic! I so get the picture-taking shyness thing. Makes sense.
That is awesome news! No brace for a while is one more step to no more brace.
Love the grey skies, want some of ours? We've had quite a few since the rains started.
Great news Kristy. How have you been otherwise? We need to 'catch up' :) Sorry for not emailing you - it got rather hectic round here...
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