Look what arrived in the mail from Dorothy! Beautiful wool, dyed by Dorothy herself. Isn't it cool!?? It is very soft and the colors are so rich. I wonder if this yarn will felt...perhaps I could make a technicolor sheep???? We'll see. I am going to have to think on this. Also! She sent me the needles you see sticking out the top of the yarn. They are wonderful, too. Thank you Dorothy!!!
I can see the light at the end of the scarf tunnel now. I've completed about 20" on the second half. I'm really happy with the way it looks. I had to frog a little last night (about one repeat) because I had picked up a stitch. I really should work a little harder at maintaining my knitting focus. Believe it or not, most of these unknitting incidents have been because of my own carelessness. I know you find that hard to believe but, really, it is true!
The Grandmother Purl squares have been coming in at a steady pace. I hope to post an update there either today or tomorrow. The squares are all so lovely and so different. I can't wait to start sewing them together.
Glad you got the yarn and that you like it. If you decide to give it a name, please let me know so I can add the name to my list of colourways.
How's the arm?
Glad your ISE scarf is coming along. I've got a bit to go yet and then I'm done too.
Woo Hoo! Scarf progress and some of Dorothy's yarn! What a lovely post indeed! :0)
That is nice yarn! And such pretty skeins.
Fantastic yarn and needles!
And, by the way, thanks for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Crack Show you mentioned earlier. Thanks a lot. All I did over on my site was say that a stuffed pirate monkey and a stuffed monkey in a vest and plaid pants were cute. That's all. But, look what you've got me watching! I cannot look away! I've got a Season Pass! Also, I'm from Texas originally, so this is a particularly complicated undertaking for me. Yeah. Great. Cheerleaders. (It's great!!)
Kristy, I forgot to include a ball band with your yarn. It's Emu Superwash wool. Sorry no felting abilities for it. There's about 150-170 yds/skein. I can't remember the exact number and of course I can find the ball bands. I put them in a safe place.
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